Become A Member
Pledge Online:
Support KWBU-FM 103.3, Waco's NPR, Online Pledge Form
Your tax-deductible gift will help 103.3 KWBU FM bring you another year of extraordinary and enlightening programming. Accurate, up-to-the minute news reports, in-depth news, quality programming, and music that provides solace and refuge-KWBU FM 103.3 is the first choice for many Central Texans.
Your online pledge is secure
We employ industry-proven standards and technologies to protect your information. All credit cards are processed by Baylor University which is fully PCI compliant.
Payroll Deduction for Baylor Employees:
If you’re a Baylor employee and would like to support via payroll deduction, there are various levels and payment options. You can find the KWBU Payroll Deduction form here.
Sustaining Member:
If you’d like to become a sustaining member or have questions what it means to be a sustaining donor, please contact Loretta Howard at 254-710-7887 or
Member Card:
The KWBU MemberCard is sent to donors who give at the $100 level or higher. The MemberCard is loaded with money-saving benefits for various restaurants, attractions, and much more, within our community. Enjoy discounts at many of the places that make Waco such a great place to live.
Learn more about MemberCard here.
Members – all who give at any level
(Station donations are tax deductible)
Student ($20 and above per year)
Monthly Sustaining Student Supporter ($5, $10, $15, $20 or more/month)
- Window Sticker*
- Mug ($120 and above)
- Member Card ($120 and above)
Supporter ($120 to $599 per year)
Monthly Sustaining Supporter ($10, $15, $20 – $45/month)
- Window Sticker*
- Mug*
- Member Card*
Cornerstone Society ($600 to $1,199 per year)
Monthly Sustaining Supporter ($50 – 99/month)
- All benefits of Supporter/Sustaining Supporter PLUS
- Station tour*
- Invitations to special station events**
President's Circle ($1,200 to 2,399 per year)
Monthly Sustaining Supporter ($100 – 199/month)
- All benefits of Cornerstone Society PLUS
- One-on-one lunch with President and Board Chair*
Visionary ($2,400 and above per year)
Monthly Sustaining Supporter ($200+/month)
- All benefits of President’s Circle PLUS
- Lunch and station tour for you and 5 guests*
*Upon request and as available
**Past featured guests have included NPR’s Renée Montagne, Texas Standard’s David Brown, Think’s Krys Boyd, and others
Payments may be made
- Online by Credit/Debit Card
- Payroll Deduction (Baylor employees)
- Mail check/money order sent to -
KWBU, One Bear Place #97296
Waco, TX 76798-7296 - You may contact your bank to inquire about automatic check disbursement